Tuesday, March 6, 2012


All art (c) 2012 Aaron O'Brian.


Anonymous said...

I really love the artwork. What a perfect blending of words and images. There's a real edginess to it that I like a lot, plus it also looks really cool. Brilliant!

tipota said...

wow-thats excellent

Jason Gusmann said...

thanks so much! eventually we're gonna get a site up specifically for the comic so its easier to read

tipota said...

yeah the artwork is superb, it's perfect over the story - will you post the site for the comic here? hope all's well big J - comin back any time soon?

Jason Gusmann said...

i forgot to post our tumblr - thanks for the reminder, o mighty T! and glad to see you checking in - i'll definitely at least have a couple short pieces up in the next month or so