Friday, October 30, 2009
RICHIE - CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT (Twitter Novel / Keitai Shousetsu)
so of course after all that the
next time richie wants to steal
a car it has to be nulles car
apparently mrs cuddy is gone
which provides richie with a
convenient excuse not to take
his and its not like
stealing cuddys car was
relaxing or anything but with
nulles its somehow scarier
cuz if cuddy caught us
thered probably be cops and
it would be a nightmare but if
nulles catches us it seems like
theres a real possibility
that he will actually kill us
but richie doesnt care and i
dont really have a choice in
the matter so we
sneak out and down the road
to the off campus housing
again and the warmer
weather makes it easier to
hide cuz
theres hardly any snow which
is great cuz we actually need
to hide this time when a car
comes and me and richie
duck into the bushes and they
dont see us and we cant tell
whos driving from where we
are but whatever
and we climb back out onto
the road and finish the trek to
nulles house and richie goes
into the garage
and i watch the street and i
can see richie in there with a
penlight doing something and
then hes
lifting the garage door super
slow and it still makes more
noise than i want it to but
then its open
and he motions me in and for
some reason its easier for
richie to get into nulles
lincoln continental than
cuddys bmw but i dont ask
why i just help him push it
into the street and i look up at
the darkened windows of the
house and i swear i see the
gleam of red tinted glasses
and i go
-holy shit holy shit- and
richie goes -what- and i
whisper -i think i saw nulles-
and richie looks back from
the drivers door where hes
pushing and goes -its
nothing dee dee keep
pushing- and i look back and
theres nothing there now so i
keep pushing until were in
the street and richie jumps in
and ten seconds later it starts
with a roar
which scares the shit out of
me but then after that it runs
really quiet so i calm myself
and get in
and we roll slowly out and
onto the highway and richie
guns it a little bit but its not
nearly as responsive
as the bmw and richie goes
-just like his poky ass to drive
something like this- and i
look through
the glove box and the visor
and theres nothing no cds
and hardly anything really
and richie goes -dont bother
-he doesnt leave any traces
no personality you see- and i
kind of dont get it but i put on
the radio and its all like the
factory presets
one rock one jazz one top
forty one christian and its
weird but it kind of makes
sense with what richie said
so i turn off the radio and
turn to him and ask -so
where are we going tonight-
trying not to sound
nervous and weird so he
doesnt get all uptight with me
again and he smiles -its a
surprise- and i go
-so were not going back to
boxer- kind of disappointed
and richie goes -its a surprise
if i told you
-it wouldnt be a surprise
anymore- and i just sit back
-okay cool- and he sneaks a
look at me and smiles
-ill just tell you this dee dee
you will never forget this
night as long as you live-
and i laugh
-okay cryptic guy ill try not
to explode with anticipation-
and richie goes -nice use of
the word cryptic dee dee-
and im pleased in spite of
myself -yeah i thought so-
so we keep driving and
eventually we end up in
white rock
and richie pulls into an all
night drugstore -i gotta leave
this thing running wait here-
and im like
-where the fuck am i gonna
go- and he smiles slams the
door and runs in
and were actually in a pretty
sketchy part of white rock
and theres like crackheads
and other creeps all over
walking by and shouting at
each other so i just put on the
radio and avoid making eye
but i cant keep myself from
trying to imagine where were
gonna go and what we could
possibly be doing here
and then richies back and he
throws a big bag in the back
seat and i hear plastic bottles
tumbling around in there
and i go -jesus that was
quick- and richie smiles and
puts the lincoln in gear -i
didnt want to take the chance
-that youd get too nervous
and ditch me- and i scoff -as
if- and richie backs out into
the street
almost running over this
homeless guy in the process
and then were off again and
richie starts slowing down in
even seedier part of white
rock where theres like all
these empty factories and
dingy bars and then i start
some of the women looking
into the car as we pass and
then richie goes -so which
one do you want-
and i sigh -what are you
talking about richie- and he
repeats himself -which-one-
-were popping yr cherry
tonight boy- and suddenly all
those skinny women peering
into the car come into focus
and i exclaim
-what with a fucking hooker-
and richie calmly replies -of
course with a fucking hooker
you dont think yr ever
-gonna get any pussy sitting
around the dorm playing
pimptastic 2 do you- then he
laughs -yr performance at
-didnt exactly flood me with
confidence in yr abilities
either- then he shrugs
-besides its my treat- and im
-gee thanks- and i look out
at all the smeary red and blue
lights -i didnt know catching
aids was gonna be the
richie snorts dismissively -yr
not gonna catch aids- he
reaches into the back seat and
shakes the plastic bag
-thats what all this is for- and
i dont say anything for a
minute until i say
-i dont want my first time to
be with some fucking whore-
and i realize as soon as i say
that its the first time i ever
admitted to that ever
especially to richie but he just
takes it in stride
-why dee dee do you think
you might regret it- and i
just quietly go -fuck you-
and he laughs at me
and then slows the car to a
crawl as we approach this
especially dimly lit corner
and he goes -there she is
-thats the one- and he swings
the steering wheel around
lazily and we come to a stop
and im all -what do you
-what the fuck is- and then
shes there at the passenger
side bobbing up and down
stick thin and black
short dyed blonde hair
scarred lips yellow eyes and
mottled teeth shes wearing a
satin jacket even though its
way too cold
but her black leather
miniskirt cant be helping
either she totters on stiletto
heels while richie finds the
window toggle
even though im gesturing
frantically for him not to the
window comes down and she
leans in over me grinning
showing a pipe stem shaped
divide in her teeth -hey baby
you on yr way to a party-
and richie goes -yeah you
wanna come with us-
the sound of his voice makes
her face drop and she kisses
her teeth -i dont do no father
and son shit
-thats fucked up- richie leans
into the light of the street
lamp -im younger than he is-
and he points to me
she looks at us shakes her
head then looks again -lunch
money motherfuckers you
aint got shit
-no money motherfuckers
shit- she starts backing away
stilettos clacking on the
pavement and i see my
chance and whisper
to richie -drive drive drive-
but he just says -no wait-
and he pulls something out of
his jacket and holds his hand
out towards her
and opens his fist palm up
and theres a fat green roll
sitting there tied with two
rubber bands and he says to
-my dad gave me some extra
lunch money today- and she
peers in again and her tone
becomes immediately
-okay what you do is you
drive up here make that first
left at the light- and richie
puts the money away
says -no get in well take
you to the party- and she
straightens up theatrically
-fuck you- and richie goes
-look i just want to have a
party i dont wanna meet yr
pimp or yr brother or anyone
in the closet
-or behind the door i just
wanna take you to the lamp
lighter inn and have a party-
and her face softens a little
i dont know why -the lamp
lighter- richie nods -yeah
yeah- she looks off does the
math in her head shrugs
-okay- she goes to the rear
door and richie looks for the
toggle to unlock it while i just
sit there going –fuck fuck
she climbs in all elbows and
knees pulls the door shut
behind her grinning again
-all right babies were gonna
have a good time now-
she pulls out a compact and
tentatively touches her face
-just dont fall in love with me
that happens sometimes
-the first time you know- and
richie pulls out into the street
looks into the rearview -first
time what first time-
she explodes in laughter -oh
baby the first time you drove
a car the fuck you think- she
shakes her head and laughs
-the first time you drove a car
the fuck you think- richie
laughs with her and i just
kind of
hug my sides and tighten up
even more
Friday, October 23, 2009
RICHIE - CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN (Twitter Novel / Keitai Shousetsu)
the weather breaks for a little
while after that and even
though its still gray and
its kind of unseasonably
warm like almost in the 50s
and the one morning im
walking over to the school
with richie
and hes being sullen and
weird like usual but whatever
and we walk past the wall
outside the commons where
the graffiti was
and the physical plant guys
are taking advantage of the
weather and theyre out there
with the sandblasting
getting rid of the writing and
nulles is out there watching
them with his red glasses and
twitchy little mouth
and richie stops to watch
them work and it takes me a
few seconds to realize hes not
with me
and i look back and richies
watching and grinning and
apparently nulles sees him
cuz he lumbers over there
and i walk back to where they
are cuz i dont wanna miss
this and i cant hear the first
thing nulles says to richie but
richie keeps smiling at nulles
and goes -let it come down-
and i think hes talking about
the graffiti but that
wouldnt make sense cuz then
nulles goes -you have
literally no idea what yr
messing with here none- and
i must catch his eye cuz he
gestures to me and says to
richie -why dont you tell yr
little friend
-how weve both been here
before- and i look at richie
and go -fairview- and he
narrows his eyes and shakes
his head
-dee dee has enough to figure
out right now- and nulles
chuckles -dee dee thats right
i forgot how fond you are
-of nicknames- then the
smile drops -no matter
whatever yr trying to do here
its not gonna work- and
richie laughs
-apres moi le deluge- and
nulles tightens up even more
-i dont believe you- and
richie stops laughing
and his voice gets low and
even -you know as well as i
do that fairview is all shiny
and new on top
-and the foundation
underneath is rotten and weak
and all its gonna take is just
enough pressure from above
-before the whole thing
crashes down around yr
ankles- and nulles doesnt say
anything for a minute but
he smiles a tight little smile
and says -well see richie
well see- and turns back
towards the wall
and walks over to watch the
workers some more and
richie doesnt take his eyes off
him and i go -what the fuck
-is going on here- and richie
scoffs but doesnt stop
watching nulles -just another
asshole in a long series of
-this world is just chock full
of them- and he starts
walking back and im still
totally unsatisfied and i go
-wait wait wait
-what was all that shit about
before and everything
collapsing and you not
knowing what yr messing
and richie looks off
thoughtfully -you know i
really think hes just mad cuz i
kissed cuddy and not him-
and i almost throw up in my
mouth a little bit -jesus christ
can you imagine holy shit
thats gross- and richie laughs
and nods
-kissing cuddy was no picnic
either but that i mean nulles
you dont come back from shit
like that ever
-they dont make a
mouthwash that strong- and
that makes me laugh and
richie laughs again
and were at the door by then
so we just go inside laughing
Saturday, October 17, 2009
RICHIE - CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX (Twitter Novel / Keitai Shoustesu)
next day isaacs class and
richie comes in slams his
stuff down next to me drops
into the chair
goes –so did you dig into
any of those books yet- and i
look over at him and go
-i started naked lunch- and
he smiles -oh really what do
you think so far- and im like
-its pretty gay
-i mean like really gay i
didnt know there was gonna
be that much cocksucking
and shit-
richie shrugs -yeah but you
just have to ignore that or like
deal with it the ideas are
whats important
-especially the stuff about
control systems and that- and
im like -i dont know if i can
ignore all that
-i mean its pretty gay are the
other books like that- and
richie looks at me disgusted
-yeah dee dee theyre all like
-i set you up for a real
cocksucking frenzy- and im
about to respond when isaacs
walks in and slams the door
behind him
-all right swine- he grins
-prepare yrselves for the
pearls of learning i am about
to cast before ye-
he puts his papers down and
sits at the head of the table
-okay so catcher in the rye
there were probably enough
-swear words to keep yr
interest this time around- and
we go to work and go
through the whole character
and the man vs self plotline
and eventually we get to the
source of the title in holdens
dream about the kids in the
and i can like feel richie
getting antsy next to me
isaacs goes into the
symbolism of it and before
the words
-christ imagery- even leave
his lips richie is all over him
-why is it always christ every
single time
-its as if theres never been
another story of rebirth and
sacrifice in all of world
mythology- and isaacs
tightens up
goes -richie i have no issues
with you not believing in
christ or christian belief
systems but an argument can
definitely be made
-for the imagery being
directly related holdens
constant repetition of the
name christ throughout- and
richie cuts him off
-look- and his voice is
almost shaking -i get it but
physical rebirth is within
reach of every single one of
-and to always act like jesus
christ has some kind of
fucking monopoly on it- and
isaacs raises his voice
and i dont know if hes getting
pissed cuz richies arguing
again or cuz this is the kind
of shit that gets teachers fired
-i appreciate that you are
passionate about the subject
but again the tone and tenor
of salingers work directly
-references to holden as a
christ figure- and richie
replies -i get it i get that my
issue is that anyone everyone
is given the choice
-to return from physical
death- and isaacs slams his
threadbare copy of catcher on
the table -richie i have told
you this before
-we are not discussing elsa
barker in this class- and
richie grins -how do you
know im talking about elsa
long pause isaacs shuts his
eyes and grits his teeth -if
you continue with this richie
im going to have to ask you
to leave-
and richie just gets up -okay
fuck it- grabs his books
strides over to the door
whips it open goes out then
slams it behind him
isaacs opens his eyes and
relaxes his jaw -okay then
back to salinger- and frejean
goes -what an asshole- super
loud and
some guys laugh and isaacs
face tightens again -frejean-
and he goes -yeah- and
isaacs says -shut up-
Friday, October 9, 2009
RICHIE - CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE (Twitter Novel / Keitai Shousetsu)
again the words are huge and
hard to miss again right on
the brick wall leading to the
in those same thick curvy
black spray painted letters
and its weird because even
its exactly the same as last
time its different too cuz
whoever did it //richie// had
to go over the letters a bunch
more times
cuz of the cold and the letters
are thicker and not as clear as
they were last time even
though they contrast with the
i think mostly cuz theyre in
exactly the same place which
was sandblasted and
everything so its like less
but of course we all still see
the wall on the way to
school in the morning and
everyones talking about it for
but nobody speaks french so i
tell some of the guys that it
means -after me the flood-
but they dont know what that
and honestly neither do i so at
lunch im sitting with glass
eye reading as usual and
richie comes up and throws
himself down
into one of the chairs and
doesnt even bother
acknowledging glass eye -so
do you know what it means
dee dee- and i go
-what the wall- and he nods
i go -it means after me the
flood in english but i dont
know like what it means
richie shrugs -louis the
fifteenth said it a million
years ago and some people
still argue if he meant that
-after me the revolution
comes which would be like
prophetic and true but you
gotta wonder why hed be
happy about that
-and the other interpretation
is that he was saying let it all
come down cuz ill be dead
anyway and i dont care what
-after me- and i look at him
and ask -which one did you
mean- and he smiles
-neither really i just thought
it sounded cool-
my turn to shrug -i guess- he
goes on -whats a lot more
interesting is that this time
theres no discussion of it you
-cuddy didnt pull us outside
for the lecture or anything
like that- and im like
-maybe they dont care
richie shakes his head
-doubtful- and it occurs to me
-maybe they dont wanna like
give you the satisfaction you
and he thinks for a second
-maybe so dee dee maybe so
doesnt matter really cuz
pretty soon they wont be able
to ignore me
-even if they want to- and im
like -what the hell does that
mean- and he gets up -dont
worry about it come to my room
-tonight ive got some stuff to
give you- and im confused
but i go -okay- anyway
so that night i go to richies
room and hes sitting on the
bed like waiting for me with
this stack of books
and he smiles and slaps his
knee -dandle on over here
youngster and learn at the
feet of yr elder-
and i go -yr my elder by like
what 8 months richie- and
he shakes his head -matters
-for you have much to learn
and time is growing short-
and i walk over and sit next
to him on the bed
-what do you mean its just
what is it today february
school doesnt end til the
beginning of june
-and theyre not gonna
discharge either of us before
the end of the school year
you know that-
richie sighs gazes evenly at
me -look dee dee you know
how the other day i told you
that we were friends
-and it warmed yr heart in
that very special way- and i
go -fuck you- and he goes
-i know
-its hard for you sometimes
to accept the fact that
someone like me could be
friends with someone like
and i sigh and get up he pulls
me back down and raises his
voice -what im trying to say
dee dee is that
-theres gonna come a time
real soon when yr not gonna
want to be my friend
anymore- my face squinches
and i shake my head in
disbelief -jesus what are you
talking about are you ever
gonna make sense again-
richie shrugs -im not trying
to be dramatic or anything
but eventually you arent
gonna want to be friends with
me anymore-
i put my hand on his shoulder
and look deep into his eyes -i
dont want to be friends with
you now
-so stop worrying about later-
and he nods closed mouth
then goes -its okay yr in
-thats all right- then hands
me this stack of like 8 books
-these are like this is the base
-for not becoming a robot
like the others- and i take the
books and look through them
and some of them
ive heard of like naked lunch
and valis the phillip k dick
book that i was looking at
before and theres
a comic book called the
invisibles and the others are
like philosophy textbooks but
theres also
that letters from a living dead
man book by elsa barker that
richie showed isaacs but the
one that really gets my
is cult psychology and the
perception of freedom by
stanislaw krol and i hold it up
to richie and go
-do you really want to lend
this out cuz i know how rare
it is- and richie shrugs and
-ive gotten everything out of
it im going to its cool- but
im like -what if im like
reading it at lunch
-and i get nacho cheese on it
or something- and he goes
-well then id have to kill you-
and i say
-well then i probably
shouldnt take it- and richie
scoffs -just dont read it at
lunch you smackhead-
and i sit there for a minute
looking at it then im like
-thanks- and he says -dont
thank me just make sure you
read them
-cuz otherwise the chances of
you becoming a robot are still
pretty high although yr
proximity to me may have
-inoculated you against the
robot virus- and then i just
blurt -are you going to kill
yrself- just like that and he
but its almost nervous
laughter -dee dee why
would you even ask me that-
and im like -you know like
in health class
-when they tell you that if yr
friend is like suicidal hell be
giving away all his stuff cuz
you know
-he thinks he wont need it
anymore- and richie laughs
again -do i seem depressed
to you dee dee-
and i look away -no but-
and he smiles -then dont
worry about it- and i go -but
you just said
-all that creepy shit about
how soon im not gonna want
to be yr friend- and he says
-well look at it logically
-if i was gonna kill myself
why would i care if you
wanted to be my friend or
and he waits for me to
respond -see- but then i go
-but why would you even say
that stuff-
and he goes -okay bad joke
just forget all that and read
the books cuz thats the
important thing-
and im like -okay i guess
but thats still pretty weird
youve gotta admit- and he
winces and responds
-look im 16 ive got all these
weird chemicals going off
inside my brain like 24/7
-not everything im gonna say
is gonna make sense does
everything you say make
sense- and im like
-you know it doesnt- and he
points over at me -ahh ha-
and i end up taking the books
and going
but ultimately something
about this exchange just
doesnt convince
Friday, October 2, 2009
RICHIE - CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR (Twitter Novel / Keitai Shousetsu)
later that night richie comes
busting into my room and
goes -holy shit you have got
to hear this you are gonna
shit yourself-
and hes so different than the
last time i saw him its kind of
blowing my mind and i sit up
on my bed and go –what
whats going on-
and he jumps on the end of
the bed in his boots and
everything and hes jumping
up and down and im like
-hey cut the shit-
but im laughing too cuz its so
crazy so finally he stops
jumping and just slams down
onto my bed so hard it almost
busts the springs
and he goes -so you know
what happened before with
all the stuff on my wall- and
i go -yeah- kind of weirded
out that he
knew i was there but not
interested in faking it at this
point and he goes -yeah so
then i get called over to see
cuddy and i go there-
he pauses -have you ever
been in his office before- and
i say –no- and he goes -its
all like tasteful swedish
modern with all this
-blonde wood and polished
metal and like black cloth
couches and shit ikea area
rugs real 1990s yuppie-
and i go -whats ikea- and he
waves me off -doesnt matter-
and i stop asking questions
and just listen to richie tell
the story
-so cuddys got this ambient
new age music just quietly
burbling out of the speakers
and he says –is this all right
or would you
-prefer something more
uptempo- and i dont care so i
dont say anything just stand
there and he gestures to one
of the chairs and says
-have a seat- so i just fall
back into it and im totally
annoyed at this point because
im pretty sure i know whats
so cuddy turns the chair away
from his desk to face me and
theres this glass coffee table
between us and he points to it
-do you mind if i put my feet
up- and i just shrug and he
puts his feet up and it feels
weird cuz hes being so
courteous to me
even though im pretty sure
that he knows that i stole his
car and did the graffiti on the
commons wall so i just start
and i tell him that it smells
like lemon pledge in there
cuz it did and he pulls this
vaporizer from under the
-laurel and lemon- he tells
me smiling like i somehow
care about his fucking air
freshener so i sigh and just
ask him
outright why he asked me to
come to his office and he
leans back and steeples his
hands and goes
-well richie by now youve
seen what happened to yr
wall- and i go yeah and he
nods and asks -any idea why
-would do something like
that- and i tell him that the
implied request was clear
from what he said during the
room search
and he leans in and goes
-clear to who and why- and i
tell him to stop asking me
questions that he already
knows the answers to
so cuddy settles in at this
point and says -youre an
intelligent young man richie
and i know that youve got a
bright future-
and i say oh boy and he
starts getting irritated -so im
going to do you a big favor
and explain to you how the
world works
-how it works now- and im
actually interested to see
where hes gonna go with this
so i dont say anything else
and just
let him talk -the world
operates on three basic
principles okay boredom
stimulation and the path of
least resistance-
and he pauses like hes
waiting for me to say
something smarmy but im
just like okay so he nods
and goes on
-the world itself work eat
sleep work eat sleep is a bore
right this is why punk rock
happened- and im so thrown
by the reference to punk rock
that i dont even know what to
say he keeps going
-eating sleeping showering
-driving walking breathing
scratching shitting pissing a
million billion times until
you die youre bored already
imagine how bored
-youll be at 30 at 50- and i
honestly didnt expect this line
so i nod him on and he claps
his hands together -so
-games dvds satellite radio
satellite tv digital downloads
ipods cellphones billions of
websites virtual reality pretty
soon- and he pauses
and thinks for a second -do
you remember richie this
may be before yr time but
there were these things called
culture wars-
i shake my head -people
actually used to get into these
violent conflicts over which
side they were on pro-life or
-gay or straight red state or
blue state now today which
side are you on has become
the line between everyone
who is boring me
-versus everyone who is
stimulating me making me
feel alive giving me choices-
i must look confused cuz he
gives examples
-what do i want to watch
today which song is gonna
start my day right which
woman and there are
millions my boy
-which woman is gonna make
my dick hard today- and
cuddy sighs contentedly -it is
truly an amazing time to be
so then i ask him about the
third thing the path of least
resistance and he smiles –this
is the genius part- and then
asks me
-how do you feel when yr
bored- and i play along and
say irritated sluggish empty
restless kinda tired
and he goes -exactly so lets
say thats how you feel right
now- and i smile and tell him
thatll be easy and he laughs
-fuck you kid anyway yr
bored tired irritated no
energy but look- and he
holds up an imaginary object
-ive got a copy of young
lesbians with machine guns
on dvd a bunch of blonde big
titty bitches who go on
-blow a bunch of shit up and
in their down time eat each
others pussies- and i say im
with him and he says
-i thought you would be so
ill give you this dvd but you
have to do something for me
first you can either
-move bricks from the
physical plant to the rose
garden for one hour or-
thinks for a second -you can
come up with
-yr own project anything you
want something fun plan it
out complete it and bring it
back to me tomorrow
-which one would you
choose- and i lean in ask if i
could do anything i want for
the project and he nods
-anything art music writing
anything you name it- and
he settles back and interlaces
his fingers on his lap
i eventually sigh and tell him
that id move the bricks for an
hour and he raises his index
finger -the path of least
-thus endeth the lesson you
need to make a choice richie
and the sooner you make it
the better off youll be do you
-want to bore people do you
want to stimulate people or
do you want to be the one
who controls what they
and i think for a minute ask
if they cant all be the same
person and cuddy gives me
this weird smile and shakes
his finger at me
-i knew you were a smart one
richie honestly if you learn
only one thing from yr time
at fairview learn this
-there is no stimulation no
buzz in the world like
control its the only buzz that
lasts- and i shake my head
say i cant get my head around
the idea that people are that
predictable that you can
really make them choose
what you want
them to just by making it
easier or less boring and
cuddy gets all serious -dont
fool yrself richie everyones
got strings
-and they can all be pulled if
you just learn how to do it
just become the master of yr
own life and make sure you
end up the one
-pulling the strings on it- and
i sigh and i tell him that i cant
believe im saying it but i
thank him and extend my
and he smiles indulgently at
me -yr very welcome- and
extends his hand in kind and i
grab it to shake
then i clutch it in a death-grip
and i pull him up hard out of
his seat and i stand up at the
same time and i grab
the back of his neck with my
left hand and pull him in
close over the coffee table for
a kiss
and he struggles and tries to
release my hand and push on
my chest with his left but i
keep clutching his right and
ive got my mouth jammed
hard on his and im like
slobbering all over him and
trying to probe in with my
tongue and hes
gagging and making these
terrible sounds and i start to
laugh so i finally let him go
and we both slam back down
into our chairs
and i laugh again and slap my
knees and say well then and
i get up to leave and right
before i get to the door he
gets his voice back all hoarse
and says -richie you little
prick i knew you were going
to do that-
and i look back at him and
arch my eyebrows say yeah
i dont think so
i spit on his ikea rug and tell
him if that were true you
wouldve brushed yr fucking
and i open the door slip out
quietly and slowly and
deliberately close it after me
so what do you think dee dee
pretty awesome or what-
and im sitting there staring at
richie with my mouth wide
open and i have no idea what
to think or say except
-holy shit holy shit you
fucking kissed him- and
richie laughs again -smack
dab right on the lips
-i am fucking king shit- and
im like -what the fuck did
you do that for- and he looks
at me like im an idiot
-cuz im in love with him
what do you fucking think he
cant control me he cant
predict what im gonna do
-fuck him and his path of
least resistance ive read krol
unedited krol hes got nothing
on me- i go
-but why the kiss- and richie
shrugs -i didnt have a lot of
props at my disposal dee dee
i came up with that one on
the fly-
i just stop for a minute and
shake my head -so what does
all this mean though- and
richie gets all serious for a
-what it means dee dee is
that yr learning curve just got
a whole lot steeper- and he
jumps up
and hes out of my room as
fast as he came in and im
sitting there still reeling
just trying to somehow catch
up with him as usual
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I'm going to be posting Chapter Twenty-Nine of "Richie" in its entirety on Twitter the evening of Friday, October 9 at 8pm Eastern Time. It should take me between 90-120 minutes, so if any of you folks are available/so inclined you should come see.
The reason I am doing this is to avoid the potential for misinterpretation in posting a charged piece of writing like Chapter Twenty-Nine in little bite-sized chunks over a series of days that may turn off many followers who aren't ready for it. Another reason (and the reason for this post) is that the kind people who read my stuff week to week here at the blog are of many different nationalities, races, genders, etc. and Chapter Twenty-Nine deals with three particularly charged topics: gender, race and violence.
Of course, I would hope that folks that read my work frequently would just automatically assume my sincerity in working towards an artistic goal with this novel, but I think that posting the entire thing so that a context for all of Richie's actions can be seen (whether you or I agree with those actions) and processed is a good plan. Sorry for being so cryptic, but if I say any more I may as well just post the chapter here and now but we're only up to Chapter Twenty-Three on the blog and Chapter Twenty-Four (posting this Friday) is a motherfucker as well, so if you aren't Paul Squires and weren't reading as I posted it on Twitter, you should come back Friday.
Thank you all for reading, as always.
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